Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The original complaint correspondence

The document below is the reason that the health department gave for the redaction

Kathy Pierson contacted every agency that should could think of that might have an interest.  One of the agencies, the Snohomish County Animal control refers her to my blog.  Glad to see they're readers!
 The complainant sends more pictures. 
 And then creates a photobucket page with the pictures on it.   Coincidentally, all of those pictures showed up on Isaac Doziers facebook page.  Wonder how that happened? 
 They're having trouble communicating.  But it's nice to know that he's trying hard to be helpful.
 It's funny.  Here's Kathy telling the fellow how to get a copy of the file.  NO problem - here ya go!


Anonymous said...

And now this all makes sense. How about pressing those theft charges?

Bruce King said...

It cleared it up for me, too.

He's since deleted the links from his facebook, glad that I saved the screenshots and copies.

Cody Jarrett said...

I like how they didn't redact his name in the last one, where she says "I tried the number you gave me and there was no Isaac there".