
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beams up

Work is progressing on the barn.  The concrete has cured long enough that we can continue building the structure. 
 The joists for the first floor are laminated beams that I've collected for the past couple of years, from building demolitions mostly, off of craigslist, or just by driving by and asking about them.   4 of them are the same size, 3 of them are different sizes.  When I found a beam I'd look up how strong it was on a 19' span and if it worked out I'd pick it up. 
 The beams are set on solid 8x8 doug fir posts.  Here's the beam at one end, spanning the opening that end.   The clearance underneath the beams will allow the tractor to drive through, which is important for my operation.  Anything I can do with the tractor is good. 
 As each beam is set into place, we're careful to check level and plumb.  
Here's the next beam in place.  We'll complete the placement of the beams tomorrow, and then start on the floor joists that go between them.  I'm using recycled beams sizes appropriately to allow me to drive my tractor on them if I choose. 


  1. What do building inspectors say about recycled beams?

  2. Snohomish county has a minimimum size for a building to require a building permit; this building is under that size.

    It's funny, but we're all so used to huge government oversight of buildings that we forget that here where I live building permits were't required at all until the 1950s.

    Building permits have become a major source of revenue for local governments -- which got really obvious when the housing boom crashed. Money that was generated by construction permits dried up and they ended up laying off hundreds of people here.

  3. Looks like a great little project Bruce...can't wait to see it finished. I love that you are using recycled materials where possible. Brilliant!

  4. Thanks John. I've been watching your hay bale house with interest. I can't use that material in the flood plain (county regs) but I sure like the idea.

  5. Hi Bruce, pardon if I missed any entries on your decision-making process for this building, but... could you elaborate on design costs? At some point in the future I'll be wanting some sort of structure, and had been kind of leaning toward a pole barn structure. Did you consider a pole barn construction? For myself I'd be entering the Permit Zone, looking at something in the vicinity of 800 sq ft (I'm also in Snohomish County).

    About the radiant floor, any chance you'd be looking at circulating water heated using composting materials? Also, have you thought about using solar air heaters for space heating? (yeah, I know, requires sun, which we're a bit short of around here; but.. when it's out it sure can pack a punch)
