
Friday, June 22, 2012

Cabelas charity fundraiser

 One of our pigs went to a fundraiser at Cabelas, but this time, it wasn't on the menu.   The fundraiser was for Cabelas Employees Foundation. 
 The basic idea was that each store manager had a fund contributed to by employees.  The manager that raised the most money got the prize!
 Derek's fund was the largest, and a large crowd gathered for the prize. 

Andrea, Derek and the gilt
 To make this easier, we chose a a friendly little pig, but you couldn't tell that  from Dereks expression
 He also got a little stuffed pig as a momento.
 Derek was a gentleman, and comforted the little pig afterwards.  Here he's singing to it. 

A good time was had by all -- well, the pig got tired of being held at at end, but a good time was had by most.,  Good cause, happy to help. 


  1. So what does Cabelas Employees Foundation do? And was your pig the... prize?

  2. It's a fund to cover employee emergencies or hardship cases, apparently. I am not a cabelas employee or spokesman though.

    Employees would contribute to a fund for each manager; the one with the largest contribution in their name had to kiss the pig.

    So the pig went back to the farm after its 15 minutes of fame.
