
Sunday, February 13, 2011


Sorry about the delay in blog postings; here's a roundup

farm life: 

New births: 
4 litters of piglets born, 1 off-season lamb (ram got out and got to the ewes, apparently at the right time for this particular ewe),  and the cows and sheep are all doing fine. 

Buckets of rain.  More rain that I've seen in my 6 years on this property.  Mud everywhere.  finally had to buy some gravel so that I wouldn't get stuck so often in my driveway.  Very challenging to keep anyplace dry for the animals to sleep.

 Ordered seeds, chicks and poults, started some early-spring plants in the hoophouse.  Lettuce and peas right now, more stuff as the season progresses.  The hoophouse is turning out to be a pretty useful structure.  More on that later. 

Got a ticket from snohomish county animal control because my pigs got out of my fence and onto the road.  It's not much, $50, but it reminds me that I need to do more fencing this year, and think about more durable fencing, too. 

Foreclosure:  Offered the former owners $500 to move out by feb 1st, and they did so.  Place is in pretty good condition; a carpet cleaning and some patch/paint (primarily screw holes left by pictures) and it's good to go.  I've got it occupied already.  So far so good.  More on that later, too. 


  1. They fine you when your pigs get onto the road? Ouch.

  2. correction Bruce...Ram got out BECAUSE it was the right time for the Ewe! LOL

    Great to see some updates on what's happening around your place. Hope Andrea's face is feeling better.

  3. ..50$? Stupid law.. Or that was pavement highway?

  4. Glad to hear you and the critters are doing OK. I was starting to worry about you.
