
Friday, February 18, 2011

Dead beaver

There is a pretty healthy beaver population in the area around my farm.  I see them from time to time, swimming in the drainage ditches, and i find their handiwork everywhere -- trees and bushes chewed off, sometimes farther off the ground than I would think possible.    Click on any picture for a bigger version. 

This is a pretty small beaver, but it's the first one that I've ever had the chance to look at close-up.  It weighs about 25lbs, and the fur is a dark, lustrous red. 
The carcass is relatively fresh; probably  hit an hour or two ago, and it's still flexible. 
The front paws are smaller than I would have thought -- and the rear are bigger than I would have thought.  it looks like they have swim fins on. 
the famous beaver chisel teeth.  You wouldn't think that they could cut down a tree, but I see the evidence every day. 
Front foot
rear foot. 

it is a fresh carcass.  I wonder what beaver tastes like?


  1. Roadkill post. Nice.
    You'd think that with all the chewing they do their teeth would be pearly white.

  2. I figured some folks would be squicked by it, but it's reall the first time that I've been able to look at a beaver up close, and thought I'd share it.

    And the yellow teeth were interesting.

  3. Beaver is delicious! Tastes like roast beef.

  4. What about the pelt?

  5. Our LGD's down in the pasture mauled a skunk to death the other night...Pretty interesting up close

  6. You should make a hat or some gloves, and let us know how it tasted.

  7. I just want to point out something not very tasteful. Your post is titled "Dead Beaver" and your blog name is "meat". Gave me a laugh, thought I should share.

  8. Beaver Tail Soup is apparently a delicacy up here in Canada from years past...
