
Friday, December 3, 2010

You first eat with your eyes

 When you're eating, there's nothing like a nicely displayed lunch.  A bit of color and some careful arrangement, and it makes the food all that much more delicious. 
Portion control is one of the keys here -- too much, and they won't be able to have dessert.  Too little and there will be squealing. 
 Carefully served, each portion ladled out with a special flair, the holiday season is here.  A salad course is often a way to clear your palate.  Celery adds a special sort of crunch to a hearty salad
But we can't forget the main course; here, bread and fruit predominate, with an aperitif of roses.  The pigs sure do love their food.  If they can't eat it, they'll lay in it.  Or do both.


  1. My goodness! Where do you get such a large pile of vegetables?

  2. That all looks good enough for me to eat and the dining companions could be worse. Wish I was there!
