
Friday, October 2, 2009

Airedale puppies

The pups are 4 weeks old now, and I've put an ad up on advertising them for sale. They're $400 for the males, $450 for the females. This blog entry is to show folks interested what they look like right now. If you're interested in an airedale puppy, you're welcome to come visit them in person. We do ship dogs if you're not local to seattle.

These are the two I've got advertised, the male is the one on the left, the female on the right.

The coke can is in the shot for scale. They're about 2lbs each right now, growing fast.

You can see the two puppies in the back of the above photo wrestling. They spend a lot of time being lazy and gnawing on each other ears and face. And sleeping.
At this point they're eating 5 cans of food a day between the eleven pups. We're going to transition them to puppy chow/canned food mix in a day or two.

They're definitely showing signs of different temperament. Their tails are a pretty good indication of their state of mind.

I'm having trouble keeping them together for these group shots. They're all into exploring now. Noses have worked since the day they were born; eyes have been open about 2 weeks now, and they're getting the hang of this vision thing; chasing things that move, and investigating interesting things. They're right on schedule.

The markings when they're adults will be breed-standard, with tan legs and a black saddle. They're much darker when they're pups. If you'd like to see pictures of the parents, take a look here and here.
No! stop! don't run off. I have to take pictures!


  1. Cute puppies, really nice pictures.

  2. Do you have any puppies for sale? I lose my
    8yr old male Airdale on October 7th.

    Would Like a large male.

    Please let me know.



  3. I would love an airedale female, without its tail docked. If you have any future litters or one without a docked tail, please contact me at

  4. Hi Bruce Charley is 25 lb's now great puppy thank you and was wondering if the others ended up with good homes Thanks Robert and Karen

  5. Nice to hear she's doing well. I think you'll be very pleased with her.

    I kept one of the puppies out of this last litter, a male, and sold the other 10. They're all over the country; montana, nevada, california, washington, new york, pennysylvania, new mexico... all over.
