
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Coyote hunt

I've been having a problem with a coyote who's been taking my turkey hens that are sitting on eggs. I've lost 5 hens so far, about one every other night. So for the next week or so I'll be up at 3am with my rifle, waiting. Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck. I hear coyote's can be very canny when hunted.

    I boat a new bivy sac this spring for sleeping out with livestock. We are moving into areas further from the house this year and predation is going to be a bigger problem for us too. More sleeping out, peeing on fence posts and electric fence in our future.


  2. No show on the coyote this morning, but it usually kills a turkey every other day. There's a hen sitting on eggs that I'm staking out, hoping that it makes a try for it.

  3. Best of luck! I'm hoping for a clear night tonight for you for better visibility!

    I checked with the boss. He said no to loaning you our infrared camera....

    You might check craigslist for a video camera with "night vision" not true night vision, but it records more of the near (?) infrared and helps pick out movement in the dark...

  4. Are you not able to use traps?
